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Perfect timing

"He has made everything beautiful in its time." Ecclesiastes 3.11

The residents of Cloud's Hill Avenue in Bristol have come up with a creative way of increasing their social bubble: making babies! It's not a universal panacea of course but, as a news story, it brings welcome relief from the gloom of lockdown and the atrocities in Burma, China and Yemen.

There was a touch of class in the way it was presented on the BBC News at 10 last night. After showing clips of 5 out of the 6 pregnant mums doing their online yoga workout, the reporter revealed the whereabouts of the missing mum: in hospital giving birth. Cloud's Hill Avenue's baby boom had begun!

Does our appreciation of "just the right thing at just the right time" spring from an underlying awareness of that being how God has created the universe? Probably not consciously, yet science is forever revealing the astonishing proximity of so many events and developments upon which creation hinges.

Another reason to escape from the cycle of works and into the rhythms of God's grace...




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