Coming of age
"... to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up..." Ephesians 4.12
Today is a "red letter day" for at least two reasons: My godson celebrates his 21st birthday - many happy returns, Archie! And the congregation of which I have been Interim Moderator since returning to Skye over 6 years ago celebrates the arrival of a new minister (mu dheireadh thall). Though very different, both occasions have in common that they are rites of passage. In traditional British culture one's 21st birthday was considered the gateway into adulthood, while the arrival of a minister is likened to the union of marriage in which both parties are called to live faithfully and fruitfully together.
In his letter to the church at Corinth, the apostle Paul describes how it is God the Holy Spirit who calls and equips the Church for God's mission, to redeem the world through the saving work of Jesus. Specifically he refers to offices, or tasks, whose purpose is to bring each member to maturity. In this context, maturity means that point at which a person is fulfilling their potential and displaying the "family likeness" to Jesus, their - and our - Lord and Saviour. So may God the Holy Spirit anoint and bless both aforementioned occasions and any others in which God's image-bearers are entering a new season in life...