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Best day ever

“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die..." John 11. 25

Easter does not deny the reality of suffering, even death. What it does is provide an antidote. Well before the astonishing culmination of his earthly ministry, Jesus presented himself as the source of life which is beyond death. The fact that Jesus himself suffered and died is as important as his resurrection and ascension into heaven. It is all part of a piece: God's great plan of redemption. God became part of his own creation, in order to absorb all the pain and suffering caused by human sin, taking it to the cross so that it would die with him. Being without sin himself, the power of life, which is greater than death, brought him through to that life which is now beyond suffering and death. All so that we might follow the trail that he has blazed and share in his inheritance of eternal life - life in all fulness, of both quality and quantity.

Hallelujah! Latha na Càisge sona gu dearbh!



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