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Making hay

"The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field..." Psalm 103. 15

Having (remotely) attended a funeral yesterday and with another to conduct (in person) today, never mind next week, I am reminded again about the richness of life. How much a person leaves behind in terms of memories and the impact that person can have on so many others. And yet there is something fleeting about life as we know it too. The Psalm quoted above goes on to say that the wind blows over the grass and the flowers and they are soon forgotten.

That is why it so important to linger on such occasions: to mourn and to savour. Even more important to appreciate each other while we can. It has been heart-breaking to hear numerous tales, during lockdown, of families suddenly not able to communicate with loved ones - some of whom will die alone, with no opportunity to say goodbye, no opportunity to express mutual appreciation with friends and family.

We do not know what another day will bring. "Just as well!" I hear you say. But it does reveal the merit of clearing our account with others, abandoning grudges, breaking silences, saying what you intend to get around to saying - eventually. The truth is that we have only today; tomorrow is not guaranteed. Writing to his fellow believers in Corinth, to encourage them not to receive God's grace in vain, the apostle Paul urges them: "I tell you, now is the time of God's favour, now is the day of salvation." (2 Corinthians 6. 2)

If this were your last day, how would you live it? What would you want to say/ do and to/ with whom? Common sense needs to be applied, as does a realistic acceptance of the restricted conditions under which we are having to exist. But that should not stop us putting our house in order. We shall be the better for it, whether we live another day or a hundred years!


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