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"May he be like rain falling on a mown field, like showers watering the earth." Psalm 72. 6

Went for an early cycle this morning to deliver a sympathy card. After a week of constant sunshine it was refreshing to feel the after-effects of overnight rain. Everything felt cleansed and invigorated, while the sun rays were just peeping through to dry it all up and add some welcome warmth. It all felt so perfectly balanced - and still.

Psalm 72 celebrates the beneficial effects of wise leadership. Composed in honour of Solomon, it may have been used at coronations - as a prayer seeking God's blessing on the newly anointed ruler. But its ultimate reference is to the Messiah: great David's greater son. His coming will be like the refreshing rain, adding life and lustre to a parched and weary land. His glory will be matched by his compassion and his particular concern will be for the poor and needy.

After a busy weekend or in the anticipation of a hectic week ahead, you will need refreshment. You will need refreshment if there is an absence of things to do, if what is oppressing you is loneliness and isolation. It may well be that refreshment comes to you through bringing refreshment to others. In our reading yesterday at (virtual) church, we heard Jesus saying to the Samaritan woman whom he met at the well near Sychar:

"... whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4. 14

That water is the Holy Spirit, which Jesus promises to pour into the hearts of all who will receive him. If you have already received the gift you will know all about it. If you have not, why not invite him in today? Be refreshed so that you may become a source of refreshment to others. And the really exciting prospect is that you will not need to worry about running out because the well is not in your own heart but in the heart of God, whose capacity is without limit!


© Strath and Sleat Church of Scotland     |     Registered charity number: SC001285

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