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A precious gift

I received a precious gift today: a letter. Not the one from Boris, though I appreciated that. But from a friend I pray for every day who, for several years now, has been languishing in jail. Inmates do not have access to the things we take for granted, like stamps and stationary, which is what made his effort to communicate so special.

In the present lockdown, as well as hammering our computers and phones, we are discovering old and new ways to keep in touch; we mean more to each other than perhaps we realised! The approach to Easter reminds us of the lengths God went for the sake of his love for us.

Another gift I received today is the following poem by The Rev'd Lezley Stewart. Lezley's poem emphasises the importance of appreciating one another, while and how we can.

Things Are Different Now

[a reflection for Holy Week]

I wish I knew then,

what I know now –

how precious time was

as he walked among us.

There were crowds and questions,

the excitement of hearing and seeing,

and some so blessed to know his touch.

How quickly things can change,

all in the blink of an eye!

From cheers to jeers,

from faith to fear,

from celebrations to mourning.

I wish I knew then,

what I know now –

how precious all time is

as, still, he dwells among us.

No crowds now, but questions remain.

No chance to gather and hear and see

in ways we have always known.

Things are different now.

The days are long,

the nights are dark -

now testing times are here.

Fears still need their release,

hands still long to be held,

and in private mourning,

death is keenly felt.

Things are different now.

With those who once waited,

we must wait,


in the life which will rise again.

For we will declare

now, as before,

that he is risen -

he is risen indeed!


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