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Brighten your day!

"Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord..." Ephesians 5. 19

According to the Bible, one aspect of being created in the image of God is the gift of music. Like all gifts, it can be used for good or ill. Its highest use is in praising the Creator himself and there are numerous psalms which express exactly that. In his letters, the apostle Paul describes another legitimate use as being to "instruct and admonish one another... through psalms, hymns and spiritual songs". Indeed it has been said, in endorsement of hymn singing, that Christians love to sing our theology - rather than just talking and writing about it.

This morning I came across another imaginative application of this precious and wonderful gift, in the form of a piece written by the director of the Kaleidoscope Orchestra - to boost morale during this lockdown period. You can listen to it here: As you enjoy it, give thanks to God for the quality of his gifts; also thank him for the generosity of those willing to share the gifts they have received; perhaps even use this as an opportunity to see how many examples you can think of; and then, having thanked God, thank those whose gifts you have appreciated - and brighten their day too.


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